Modeling agencies will usually hold open calls for a few hours once a week, allowing aspiring models to simply walk in without an appointment and meet with an agent. If you don't live near one of the major markets, it can be difficult for you to attend an open call. In that case, a model scouting website can be helpful.
Clients will hold a casting or audition at a specific time where numerous models from a variety of agencies meet with the client in person so the client can make their final selection of models.
At these open calls, presenting yourself as a professional is as important as having the right "look." How you conduct yourself during and after one of these appointments can make or break your modeling career.
1- Always Be On Time
Professional models are respectful of others' time and schedules. Time is money and, lateness is never tolerated by agents, photographers, or clients. And with tools available such as smartphones, GPS, and Google Maps, you should always know where you need to go and what time to arrive.
If you have an appointment time, plan to arrive 10 minutes early. There is rarely a need to be earlier, as the interviewer might not be there yet or another model might be auditioning. If you find yourself arriving too early, wait outside or in the building lobby until it's time for you to be seen.
There are occasions when being late is unavoidable. When it happens, always call your agent or the client contact and let them know when you expect to arrive. Be polite and apologetic but professional — avoid listing multiple excuses for the delay.
Agency open calls are a little more flexible, usually running within a two- or three-hour time frame. Try to arrive early so you can be seen at the beginning of the open call. Agents get tired, just like anyone, and models who are seen at the end of the day may have less successful interviews than those who arrive early.
2- Bring Your Book, Comp Card, or Recent Photos
If you have been modeling for a while you should have a portfolio of images that you can share, often known as a "book." You may also have marketing materials such as a comp card, individual photos of your work, or a portfolio of companies that you have worked with. Plan to bring these with you to an open call to give your interviewer a sense of your work and range.
If you are already represented by an agent and attending an open call with a client, your agent may send materials by email beforehand, or you may be asked to do so. But even if you have already sent materials by email, plan to bring hard copies. The images you email are often used to screen applicants for interviews, and the person you meet with may or may not have them at your meeting.
If you're meeting with an agent for the first time, it's not necessary for you to have professional modeling photos. It is helpful, however, if you bring a few simple snapshots that you can leave with the agent if they ask. Most agents will take some "digital" of you if they are interested, but it's nice to show the agent that you're prepared.
3- Only Bring Your Best Work
If you do bring your book, it should only contain your very best photos. Never put contact sheets, outtakes, personal papers, or anything in your book that isn't your very best work.
If an agent or client looks through your book, they will likely flip all the way to the end. Be sure it is clean, tidy, and contains only your most professional work. Interviewers at open calls see a lot of models in a single day; you never want to give them a reason to take you off their list by allowing them to see unprofessional photos.
4- Be Organized and Prepared
An open call is a job interview. You want to be prepared and organized, just as you would for a more traditional job interview.
In addition to your portfolio materials, have writing materials other than your phone: a pen and paper, a personal planner, or a tablet. If you must use your phone, do so with it flat on the table so that the interviewer can see that you are taking notes or entering information in your calendar, rather than texting or taking care of something personal.
Always put your writing and portfolio materials in a place where you can access them quickly and easily. This will show the agent or client that you are professional, organized, and respectful of their time.
5- No Partners, Friends, or Family
Models under age 18 should always bring a parent or guardian with them to any audition, including open calls. But if you are over 18 years of age, there is no reason for anyone else to attend your interview with you. Just as you wouldn't bring a partner, friend, or child to a job interview, you should not bring them when you meet modeling agents or clients.
If you are meeting an unknown agent or client for the first time, you may want to bring someone with you for safety reasons. It is perfectly acceptable to have that person wait in the lobby or near the front door and to let the agent know someone is waiting for you. A legitimate agent will not be bothered by this.
If you feel unsafe enough that you want a companion with you in the actual interview, you should not attend that casting call in the first place. This applies particularly to modeling jobs or casting calls booked through the internet with someone you have never met.
Accepting a job through the internet that has not been vetted (screened) by an agent is extremely risky. It is always safer to get your bookings from reputable modeling agencies rather than working freelance through the internet.